Singapore PSB certification
PSB certification is mandatory safety certification in Singapore, but there is no requirement for EMC. PSB safety mark certificate is issued by Singap
Tec certification in India
Tec is the abbreviation of Telecommunication Engineering Center of India, which is responsible for the compulsory certification of the production, imp
WPC certification in India
In India, like most other countries, radio frequency is considered a natural resource. In order to effectively control the use of radio frequency spec
BIS certification in India
Since July 2013, bis (bureau of Indian Standards) has stipulated that 52 kinds of products must be subject to compulsory registration. The products mu
Korea KCC certification
KCC is the abbreviation of Korean Communication Commission, whose function is similar to FCC in the United States. KCC certification was implemented i
KC certification in Korea
KC (Korea certification) certification, formerly known as EK certification, is the Korean electrical and electronic products safety certification syst