Tec is the abbreviation of Telecommunication Engineering Center of India, which is responsible for the compulsory certification of the production, import, distribution or sales of telecommunication products in the Indian market.
Until 2019, TEC certification can still be registered as a voluntary product. In July 2019, the Indian government immediately issued the Announcement No. 10-1 / 2017-it / TEC / ER. From October 1, 2019, TEC will gradually introduce and enforce the mtcte (compulsory testing and certification procedures for telecommunications equipment) regulations similar to AIS certification standards.
How to get Tec certification?
Certification basically includes the following steps:
Register with relevant agencies and provide information and English documents about authorized representatives of India.
Conduct product testing.
Issue certificates.
Attach Tec logo.
Tec certification mark must appear in the obvious place of the product itself, with a height of at least 3 mm. At the same time, it also needs to be correctly marked in the outer package, instruction manual, repair sheet, etc.
*In individual cases, the relevant institutions also accept the foreign test reports, but in principle, the test must be carried out in the local Tec approved laboratory in India.
Which products can apply for TEC certification?
Tec certification is a compulsory certification for telecom products. Including but not limited to the following products:
wireless telephone
DSL equipment
Intelligent Watch
Communication equipment using microwave
IOT gateway
Amateur radio, test instruments, single module or passive components and other products do not have the obligation of Tec certification. Other products, such as sensors, multi-function printers, laptops with WiFi and even refrigerators with WiFi, are not included at present, but may increase in the future.