Sdppi (direktorat jenderal sumber Daya Dan perangkat POS Dan informatika) is a regulatory body that formulates, plans and implements standardization policies in the field of radio and communication. It has the function of public service, and can issue radio spectrum licenses, including the regulation of interference and imbalance of radio frequency spectrum, It is an organization with wireless / communication testing and certification capability.
Wireless products exported to Indonesia must pass sdppi type certification and customs inspection. DGPT has imposed a mandatory ban on companies outside Indonesia as type approval holders since June 2009.
Sdppi related regulations:
1. BT Bluetooth: no.09/dirjen/2004
2. WLAN: No. 28 / permen / 2015
3. SRD short range radio: No. 214 / dirjen / 2005
4. GSM cellular mobile communication: No.370 / dirjen / 2010
5.WCDMA: No.173 /DIRJEN / 2009
6.LTE: No. 27 TAHUN 2015
Sdppi certification materials:
1. In order to meet the requirements of local company as certificate holder, the following documents of local company shall be provided. The file must contain:
A. A copy of act of Association (Indonesian, "aktapendirian")
B. Copy of tax number (in Indonesian, "npwp")
C. Copy of company registration (Indonesian, "TDP")
D. Copy of import license (Indonesian, "npik")
In addition, you need to provide relevant technical information and application form as well as information of local agents (certificates will only be issued to local agents)