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Japan JATE certification

Jate (Japan approvals Institute for telecommunications equipment) is the main registered certification body of technical compliance certification for telecommunications equipment in Japan. The jate certification of telecommunication equipment and the communication equipment connected with telecommunication network need to be certified in accordance with technical regulations. The jate certification is compulsory, and the certification authority is a registered certification authority recognized by mic. Japan's Ministry of public administration and internal affairs, post and Telecommunications (mphpt) has stipulated in Japan's telecommunications business law that Japan's telecommunications equipment is subject to compulsory certification.
Jate certified products:
Wireless communication products, such as 3G / 4G / 5G mobile phones, cordless phones, wired phones, etc.
Special reminder: when doing telec / MIC certification, the low output wireless phones, wireless microphones and emergency devices on the market at present
If the transmitting power of alarm transmitter, FM transmitter, etc. is less than the limit value in the figure below, this function can not be certified.
Jate certification requirements:
1. Basic functions
2. Calling functions
3. Transmission timing
4. Random access control
5. Time alignment control
6. Location registration control
7. Function for combining with channel switching indication
8. Functions for receiving level reports
9. Functions to completely with the direction to stop transmission
10. Function automatically to suspend transmission when the receiving level has been come degraded
11. Function automatically to suspend transmission
12. Function to ensure important communication
Jate certification data requirements:
User manual
Schematic diagram
Operational description
Block diagram
Bill of materials (BOM)
Screen printing (layout)
Antenna specification
Software version / hardware version
Quality system certificate (ISO9001), non mandatory



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