EMC test, also known as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), refers to the comprehensive evaluation of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and anti-interference ability (EMS) of electronic products. It is one of the most important indicators of product quality. The measurement of electromagnetic compatibility consists of test site and test instrument.
The purpose of EMC testing is to detect the impact of electromagnetic radiation generated by electrical products on human body, power grid in public places and other normal electrical products.
EMC includes two major items: EMI (interference) and EMS (sensitivity, anti-interference).
EMI test items include:
Re (radiation, emission)
CE (conducted interference)
Flickr (flashing)
EMS test items include:
ESD (static electricity)
EFT (transient pulse interference)
Dip (voltage drop)
CS (conducted immunity)
RS (radiation immunity)
Surge (surge, lightning)
PMS (power frequency magnetic field immunity)
Electromagnetic interference mainly includes radiated emission and conducted emission.
Radiation emission:
Electromagnetic interference propagates in the form of electromagnetic wave through space.
Conducted emission:
Electromagnetic interference propagating along a conductor.
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